Apollo Theater Academy
Through the Apollo Theater Academy, Apollo Education offers young adult creatives opportunities to develop as thought leaders, skilled technicians, and purveyors of artistic change.

High School & College Programs

Apollo Theater Academy provides emerging young creatives with paid opportunities for professional development, training, and mentoring as they explore administrative, programming, and production careers in the arts and entertainment industries.
Arts Administration Internship
The Apollo Theater Academy Arts Administration Internship provides high school seniors with a paid opportunity for professional development as they explore administrative and programming careers in the arts and entertainment industries. Through hands-on training and career development workshops, interns gain experience in a real-world work environment while connecting with industry professionals.

Applications for this internship are now closed.
Technical Stage Production Internship
The Apollo Theater Academy Technical Stage Production Internship provides high school seniors with a paid opportunity for professional development as they explore production careers in the arts and entertainment industries. Interns learn how to apply technical elements of theater such as lighting design, videography, audio engineering, carpentry, and production design to live and recorded stage productions.
The Apollo Apprenticeship
The Apollo Apprenticeship provides college students with pre-professional experience in the arts and entertainment industries. Apprentices receive training and mentoring as they work with Apollo staff to design, implement, and manage projects and/or events.
Apollo Young Producers
A collective of Apollo Theater Academy alumni, the Apollo Young Producers (AYP) conceive and produce events to connect young artists to The Apollo, providing a new creative space for collaboration and showcasing artistry and ideas.
Apollo Theater Academy Events
Mar 25
| 10:30AM EDT
Mar 25
Mar 27
The Apollo Stages at The Victoria
Stuntboy, In the Meantime
Apollo Education presents the musical adaptation of Jason Reynolds’s bestselling graphic novel, Stuntboy, In the Meantime. Step into the world of Portico Reeves in t...
Mar 29
| 12:00PM EDT 3:00PM EDT
The Apollo Stages at The Victoria
Stuntboy, In the Meantime
Take your family on an inspiring adventure at The Apollo Stages at The Victoria with STUNTBOY: In the Meantime! This heartwarming musical School Day Live tells the s...
Apr 7
The Apollo Stages at The Victoria
2025 Technical Theater Production Internship Applications
The Apollo Theater Academy Technical Stage Production Internship provides high school students with opportunities for professional and personal development as they e...
May 30
| 11:00AM EDT
Apollo Historic Theater
Baby Laurence Legacy Project
Explore the history and legacy of pioneer tap artist and musician, Donald “Baby Laurence” Jackson in School Day Live: Baby Laurence Legacy Project at Apollo’s Histor...


Are you an alumnus of the
Apollo Theater Academy?
Stay connected to The Apollo by signing up for the Young Producers e-blast to get the latest info on upcoming events.

apollo Career Panels

Apollo Education hosts a series of interviews and panel discussions with professionals in the arts, media, and entertainment industry. The interview panels offer teens and adults interested in pursuing careers in entertainment exclusive access to insider knowledge and professional guidance. Apollo Career Panels are free to attend!

Upcoming Events

Meet The Apollo Apprentices

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Through an 18-month program, Apollo Apprentices receive training and mentorship from Apollo staff as they design, implement, and produce their own projects and events. Meet our apprenticeship cohorts.
New York,
Mary Olivette Bookman
Voice Actress
London, UK
Naomi Jones
Voice Actress
Los Angeles, US
Isaias Morales-Sepulveda
Supporting Actress

Education Programs

A School Tour at Apollo Theater

The Apollo offers engaging music, dance, and theater instruction while highlighting its rich history and ongoing significance to Harlem and Black culture. Programs are inquiry-based, interactive, and interdisciplinary, and Apollo School Programs connect to national, state, and local arts and academic standards.

Discover more about The Apollo’s workshops and residencies, School Tours, School Day Live performances, distance learning options, and partnerships and special projects.

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Apollo School Apprentices

The Apollo Theater Academy provides opportunities for young adults in the performing arts and entertainment fields through workshops, internships, apprenticeships, and events.

  • The Arts Administration Internship explores the impact of arts administration on live and recorded productions at The Apollo, where students develop a concept for the signature summer event, Teen Takeover.
  • The Technical Stage Production Internship assigns students to work with members of The Apollo’s production crew, where they gain experience applying technical elements of theater such as lighting design, videography, audio engineering, carpentry, and production design to live and recorded stage productions.
  • The Apprenticeship program provides college students and recent graduates with training and mentorship as they work with Apollo staff to design, implement, and produce their own projects and/or events.
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People working on a table

With Professional Learning workshops, Apollo Education energizes, inspires, and provides K-12 educators with resources and hands-on activities to connect the arts to classroom curricula, all while meeting educational and arts standards.

Professional Learning workshops are available to educators from all grade levels and disciplines. Workshops are intended to benefit both educators and their students and to provide educators with methods and strategies for teaching and learning through the arts and across disciplines. The Apollo is a NYS-approved provider for Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) credits.

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Apollo Stories is an interactive digital learning hub for high school educators who want to spark critical thinking in the minds of their students. It provides lesson plans, resources, and activities that explore justice, culture, and identity. The inaugural lessons are built around The Apollo’s world premiere stage adaptation of Ta Nehisi-Coates' Between the World and Me.

Geared towards activating and amplifying the voices of high school-aged students, the program gives young people a framework to understand and navigate issues of contemporary America and reflects The Apollo’s commitment to utilizing the arts and humanities to foster conversation centered on the Black experience.

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Children playing with a mural

Apollo School Tours highlight the legendary history and performers of The Apollo, and the impact on music and performing arts development. All tours are thematic, inquiry-based, interactive, and use multimedia. They also connect to national, state, and local arts and academic standards. Bring your students to experience the legacy and learn the history of The Apollo!

For questions, please email The Apollo at school.programs@apollotheater.org.

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The Apollo’s Historic Theater
253 W 125th Street,
New York, NY 10027
The Apollo Stages

at The Victoria
233 W 125th Street, Third Floor,
New York, NY 10027